The Psychological Effects of Herpes You Should Know

Being Diagnosed With Herpes

Knowing the fact that you have acquired herpes could affect you deeply, whether it is herpes type 1 or herpes type 2. While some individuals have heard of this condition before, others are clueless about it. Needless to say, the latter group have a more difficult time adjusting to the problems and implications of herpes.

Bitterness and anger are feelings that are bound to come flooding in if you happen to be diagnosed with herpes. It is quite common to see herpes patients thinking to themselves, “If only I had not…”. In other cases, patients are seen being upset with their partners for having herpes and transmitting it to them. While these feelings are quite stressful, they are part of the grieving process. Patients should keep in mind that negative feelings will not turn time backwards; neither will they make them feel any better.

Psychological Effects of HerpesAnother common emotion among herpes patients is fear. This may come in various forms: some people may be scared of their loved ones finding out about their condition, others may be petrified of socializing any more, some may even be horrified thinking that they cannot have sexual relationships with people as much as they used to before. Such individuals need to understand that they are not alone. Also, it will get better with time and they will find happiness soon.

Some Myths Regarding Herpes

There are several myths that contribute to the depression, anxiousness, hopelessness and helplessness faced by the patients. Some of them have been mentioned below:

  • 1. Herpes is quite rare; not many catch it.
  • 2. The virus could be passed onto new-born babies, hence patients can never have children.
  • 3. Herpes is a result of being highly promiscuous.

How Stress Has an Impact on Herpes Outbreaks

There are countless damaging effects that come from the stress due to suffering from herpes. However, the scariest effect is the one on the patient’s herpes outbreaks. After a ton of research and tests, it has been discovered that there is a link between heightened stress and herpes outbreaks. Those who have a tougher time accepting the fact that they suffer from herpes find themselves facing higher numbers of outbreaks. As a result, this person then gets entangled in a cycle of never-ending occurrences.

Needless to say, the number of outbreaks in turn causes high stress levels in the person. At a point, they find themselves feeling hopeless and weak. Unfortunately, there is a direct connection between physical and psychological health, which means individuals with a lot of negative emotions are bound to face a bigger number of herpes outbreaks.

How to Deal With These Psychological Effects

Accepting What Has Happened

Being in denial will just add to your pain and cause problems, like stated above. Herpes does not have a cure and requires treatments for a lifetime, including visits to your doctor and ingesting medications prescribed by him/her. Once a patient accepts the fact that they have herpes, they could work on ways to deal with outbreaks, their personal relationships and their overall health and happiness.

What You Should Not Do

  • Most importantly, never ignore the symptoms: If you come to notice blisters around your mouth or genitals, please visit your doctor as soon as possible. Do not ignore the signs due to fear or carelessness. Also, ignoring the signs will not make herpes go away.
  • Do not lose yourself in the process of feeling self-pity: If you have caught herpes, it is natural to feel down. However, do not dwell in it to the point where you get depressed and risk facing higher numbers of outbreaks.
  • Do not hide the fact that you have herpes from your partner: You need not disclose your secret to them if it is just a date. However, if you are ever serious with a person to the point where you are considering having a sexual relationship with them, you must let them know of your problem. Take a look at this post to know how to have the talk.

What You Should Do

  • Educate yourself about herpes as much as you can: There is a ton of information you could find on herpes, each useful if you happen to suffer from it. You could make use of this data to take care of your condition appropriately, along with educating others.
  • Talk to a counsellor about your emotions: If you are stressed out due to the fact that you have herpes, speak to a therapist. They will definitely help you feel better.
  • De-stress yourself: Treat yourself to things that bring you happiness and make you feel at ease.