Herpes Awareness: How Condoms Come To Rescue

Although you may not know it, herpes could be a grave matter. Even though it is not fatal, the patients have to bear the consequences till their last breath. And honestly speaking, all that extra mental and physical stress gets too much to handle at some point or another. So, what could be done? If you have contracted the disease already, it truly is unfortunate and you will need to keep vigil at all times; you do not want to spread the infection to others or cause yourself to experience more pain than you already are in. However, if you have NOT contracted the illness, stay alert and always keep yourself protected.

Use CondomSince herpes is a sexually transmitted disease, you will need to be protected during sexual intercourse at all times, especially if your partner has genital herpes. Probably the best way to keep yourself safeguarded is by making use of condoms during sexual intercourse. Although, new study discoveries show that condoms merely reduce the risk of acquiring genital herpes from others, but does not completely eliminate the chances. How is that possible, you ask? Researchers carried out polls and have found that individuals who use condoms steadily have about 30% reduced risk than those who do not use them. This is disappointing when we consider how condoms work better in terms of preventing the contraction of the HIV virus. This 30% is only because herpes is from skin contact, which means even the area that is not covered by the condom could help spread the infection.

Emily Martin of the University of Washington and Children’s Hospital Research Institute has explained that even though the 30% may seem less, it could have a huge positive impact on the human population, if they only swear to make use of condoms.

There was a study conducted on 5000 people who made use of condoms, whether consistently or every now and then. In this experiment, it was found that there was no big difference in the degree of protection, between men and women. The researchers also discovered that even people who did not religiously use condoms got an increased level of security from using condoms, as long as they made sure to wear one for all sexual acts.

To conclude this matter, experts highly recommend the use of condoms, regardless of the type of sexual act they are participating in. In this way, you get added protection from genital herpes, which in turn guards all those who you are sexually active with. It is a good cycle that must be kept going.

Continue to read about Top 10 Questions About Herpes Answered.

Herpes: Prevention and Treatment While You Are Dating

Having herpes is not an easy matter for any individual, regardless of how much they know about it or how old they happen to be. If you think you may suffer from it, do your share of research and visit your doctor. While the doctor could discuss the matter with you and confirm things if you have herpes, it is best that you see a genito-urinary specialist.

It is easier to diagnose a person with herpes when the infection is present on their body at the time of the test. Usually, herpes is determined with the help of a blood test. Sadly, there is a slight chance of these tests coming negative, even if you have herpes. Experts also perform another test where a sore/blister is broken and a swab of the fluid is taken. Once it has been discovered that you are certainly suffering from herpes, the doctor will ask you a series of questions. In this way, they will figure out how bad the infection is or how bad they could get. Furthermore, the doctors could also tell if stress illnesses trigger these outbreaks or worsen them.

Medication for Herpes

Firstly, you must know that herpes can never be gone fully. Medications can be given for outbreaks that are generally antivirals, which stops the virus from multiplying. Generally, there are two types of treatments:

  • 1. Episodic: An antiviral course for 5 days is given to those who have less than 5-6 occurrences in a year.
  • 2. Suppressive: An antiviral course is given to patients that have more than 5-6 outbreaks in a year, that is longer in comparison to episodic patients.

Self-Treatment for Herpes

Of course, your doctor will be providing you with all the information that you must know, alongside the medications you must take. However, there are several things that you could do to help yourself:

  • In some patients it is found that bathing in slightly salted water can cause the pain to soothe down a little.
  • If the pain is quite bad, you could always take painkillers.
  • Try to wear loose and soft clothes that allow some air around the infected area.
  • Keep away from sexual activities until your symptoms are fully gone.
  • Make sure you often wash your hands thoroughly, especially if you have just touch an infected part of your body.
  • Apply some petroleum jelly now and then to the areas that are infected.

Herpes During Pregnancy

Although many say that passing on herpes to your child via pregnancy and childbirth is not possible, you need to understand a few facts:

  • If the mother had contracted herpes before she got pregnant, there is a very low chance that she will pass it on to her baby. This is due to the fact that antibodies will be passed on to the baby during pregnancy which will give him/her protection during the nine months, as well as after they are born.
  • If the expecting mother acquires herpes during the first 13 weeks of her pregnancy, there is some chance of the foetus contracting it. This mother will then be prescribed antiviral drugs to help her with the infections.
  • If the mother acquires the disease during the late stage of pregnancy, there will be a good chance of the baby getting it too during or just before delivery. In this situation, the doctor will advise the mother to have the baby by a Caesarean section operation, especially if the mother is suffering from blisters at that time.

Prevention of Herpes

To reduce the chances of acquiring herpes or passing it on to your partner or people around you, you could take note of the following:

  • Try not to have sex when the infections are present. In other words, outbreaks are the worst time to have sex with your partner, as the sores and blisters will be painful and any fluids from the breakage of these could cause transmission.
  • Do not have several sexual partners, as that may only aggravate your situation.
  • If you happen to have oral herpes, kissing others is absolutely forbidden, along with performing oral sex on others.
  • Make sure that you use condoms, whether you plan on having sexual intercourse or oral sex. Also, before having sex, make sure that you did not have an outbreak recently.